David, C.Antoniadis, A.Friderikos, O.Sagris, D.2015-07-062024-09-272015-07-062024-09-272011-08http://www.m3.tuc.gr/ANTONIADIS/13.%20INTERNATIONAL%20CONFERENCES/13.63.pdfhttps://repository2024.ihu.gr/handle/123456789/1613Modern requirements in manufacturing industry for mechanical products of better quality and higher accuracy machined by material removal, and the pursuit of minimization of the production costs, in conjunction with the growing complexity of the product geometry, led to further development of the computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools, and of the respective CAD/CAM systems. However not enough progress is occurred with emphasis on the development of computational systems, which can determine the most efficient cutting conditions, taking also into account the dynamic behavior of the machine tool system and the tool path planning. This paper is proposing an experimental-computational method in terms of appropriate simulation model, which allows the selection of optimum cutting conditions in end-milling processes, taking into consideration the workpiece surface quality, the developed cutting forces, the vibration deflections in the cutting zone, as well as the strategy of the tool path planning. Finally, the objective of the paper is to deliver an innovative methodology capable to be exploited in manufacturing industry with following benefits: • Increase of the material removal rate • Improvement of the workpiece surface • Increase of the cutting tool life • Restriction of faulty products • Reduction of costs and machining time with increase of productivity6enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνέςhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Experimental and computational investigation of end-milling and development of a simulation model describing the machining processΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό συνέδριοEnd-milling modelingOptimizationWorkpiece topomorphy