Magoulios, GiorgosKydros, Dimitrios2015-06-162024-09-272015-06-162024-09-272011 Classification: H81One of the obstacles women entrepreneurs face is their access to financing. As in the rest of the developed world, in the EU and Greece special financial tools were created, aiming at specific groups, in our case, women. This paper attempts to review relevant literature, to highlight the need for incentives to SMEs and in particular to women entrepreneurs, to list the financial instruments in the EU and Greece, which generally relate to SMEs, especially in women who own or will create a business. The specific financial tools to strengthen women's entrepreneurship in Greece, despite the steps taken in recent years, are still limited. Those tools are more or less the same for women as for all entrepreneurs.17enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές entrepreneurship: problems and means of financeΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικόFundingDifficultiesEntrepreneurshipWomen