Agorastos, KonstantinosPazarskis, Michail2015-06-172024-09-272015-06-172024-09-272011 study examines the impact of M&As on the economic performance of merger-involved firms in Greece at domestic and international M&As using accounting data (financial ratios). The post-merger performance of a sample of acquiring listed firms involved in domestic M&As is compared with an equivalent sample of firms with similar characteristics involved in international M&As. The results revealed in general that the international M&As have provided a better post-merger economic performance for the acquiring firms than the domestic M&As, and in contrast to the general economic performance of all listed firms in this period also have had a superior performance.15enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές accounting comparison of the post-merger economic performance of greek acquiring listed firms in domestic versus international M&As at Southeast EuropeΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικό10.1504/IJTGM.2011.041765MergersAcquisitionsEconomic performanceFinancial ratiosAccounting dataInternational M&AsGreeceSoutheast Europe