Anastassiu, H. T.Vouldis, A. T.Avdikos, G. K.2015-06-262024-09-272015-06-262024-09-272005-1011092742 this paper the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) is applied to scattering problems from infinite, cylindrical, conducting and dielectric objects. The scatterers under investigation can be considered as perturbed duplicates of the circle. The computational error associated with the numerical solution of the MAS linear system, as well as the condition number of the pertinent impedance matrix are plotted for each case and the results are discussed. Furthermore, a parametric analysis is conducted for both PEC and dielectric objects in order to examine the effect of various parameters on the accuracy of the solution and the stability of the linear system. The aim of this study is the extraction of useful conclusions on the optimum location of the auxiliary sources for arbitrarily shaped scatterers.8enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές schemes for the method of auxiliary sources applied to the scattering from circular-like metallic and dielectric objectsΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικόElectromagnetic scatteringMethod of auxiliary sourcesOptimizationPEC/dielectric scatterers