Magoulios, Giorgos2015-06-262024-09-272015-06-262024-09-272008,5&q=%22The+Cooperation+of+Fyrom+Local+Authority+Agencies+with+Local+Authorities+in+the+European+Union+and+the+Balkans%C2%BB%22 Classification: H77This article examines the modern role of local authorities in the new Balkan and European environment as well as the institutions, means and experiences of cooperation among local authorities agencies of the FYR of Macedonia and those of Balkan and European countries. Based on the results of a primary research survey undertaken in the FYR of Macedonia, this paper examines top priority sectors of such inter-regional cooperation. Countries for cooperation were selected on the basis of factors of importance, such as geography, scale of economic cooperation, intra-Balkan conflicts and the degree of participation of Balkan countries in the European integration process; sectors of cooperation are ranked on the basis of specific local authorities needs in each country. More specifically, in the case of Balkan countries, cooperation between local societies, apart from contributing to local development and strengthening the role of local authorities, it could also contribute towards reinforcing security, stability, peace and friendship among the populations of the region.24enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές cooperation of Fyrom’s local authority agencies with local authorities in the European Union and the BalkansΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικόLAAsCooperationBalkansEU