Emmanouilides, XenophonGiovanis, Nikolaos2015-06-242024-09-272015-06-242024-09-2720071450-2291http://ac.ac.cy/images/media/assetfile/Cyprus%20Journal%20of%20Sciences%205.pdf#page=27https://repository2024.ihu.gr/handle/123456789/1458This work presents the findings of a research that was conducted in relation with lectures attendance and business students’ performance during the examinations of their faculties. The research was conducted at T. E. I. of Serres and T.E.I. of Thessaloniki, Katerini branch, where 474 valid questionnaires were gathered. Statistical analysis was realised with the utilisation of multiple linear regression to discover factors that reflect the success of students in the examinations of their schools. The results are discussed and directions for further research are given.15enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνέςhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Performance of Business Students in Examinations: cross-correlation analysis between examinations rates and lecture attendanceΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικόStudents PerformanceAttendance of LecturesHigher EducationRegression