Fromentin-Denozière, BeatriceSimon, JérômeTzoulis, AndreasWeinmann, FrankAnastassiu, Hristos T.Bocanegra, David EscotMartínez, David PoyatosRecio, Raúl FernándezZdunek, Adam2015-06-192024-09-272015-06-192024-09-272015-03 well-known computational methods, based on various mathematical concepts, are applied to the electromagnetic scattering analysis of a benchmark cavity structure. Specifically, a simplified jet engine inlet configuration is defined, constructed and used as reference, whereas predicted numerical results for the radar cross-section are compared with measurements. The merits and drawbacks of each method are highlighted and quantified, with respect to accuracy, efficiency, resource requirements, reliability and robustness. Conclusions may be exploited in the near future in the construction of reliable classifiers, used in non-cooperative target identification.12enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές study of miscellaneous methods applied to a benchmark, inlet scattering problemΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικό10.1049/iet-rsn.2014.0200Electromagnetic wave scatteringSignal classificationJet enginesRadar cross-sectionsObject detectionRadar detection