Pazarskis, MichailLyroudi, KaterinaPantelidis, PanagiotisChristodoulou, Petros2015-06-172024-09-272015-06-172024-09-2720111741-8062 paper examines empirically the impact of M&As on the post-merger performance of Greek merger-involved firms in the long-run perspective. Τhe post-merger performance of an extensive sample of acquiring listed firms is investigated with accounting data analysis. For the purpose of the study, an explanatory set of 24 financial ratios (divided into five main groups) is employed, in order to measure firms’ post-merger performance. The results revealed that six out of all the examined ratios had decreased and showed, in general, deterioration in several business functions of merger-involved firms’ performance in the post-merger period.18enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές accounting examination of the long-run performance of greek acquiring firmsΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικό10.1504/IJFSM.2011.041922MergersAcquisitionsFinancial ratiosPost-merger performanceManagementAccounting