Panagiotopoulos, E.Kariotis, G.Theodoridou-Sotiriou, Lila2015-10-292024-09-272015-10-292024-09-272003 years of school enrollment represent a crucial period of a person's life. The schooling experience forms the foundations of human evolution. The school day represents 30% of each school child's everyday activity experienced. Additionally, another important dimension that should be taken into account is that of time - space - school access safety. The pluralistic essence of the educational process is described as the sum total of actions exercised by various factors (family, school, state, the church, profession, society, etc.) aiming at the appropriate mental, physical and moral development as well as the culture and shaping of a country's citizens. The objective is to equip these persons in their effort for a harmonious adaptation to their physical, social and cultural environment. A relation between students and the environment is created, to be examined at three levels: student - school spaces, student - access means - safety and student - road traffic education and environment. The application of a Geographical System of Information (GIS) contributes to the qualitative improvement of the study, offers the potential for data updating and control over time, assists decision-making processes. In the areas where problems appear, political decisions and the related increased fund allocations result in the implementation of the necessary projects and activities aiming at upgrading the student - environment relationship. The supply of a pleasant and safe environment for walking is a necessary condition in order for the city to be friendly toward its student population and persons with special needs (the disadvantaged).14enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές way design for the road safety of school studentsΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικόStudent - school graund areasStudent-acces-safetySurface of influence of school groupStudent-traffic education and environmentNetwork of pedestrian ways-decision-making with GIS