Mastorocostas, ParisHilas, ConstantinosVarsamis, DimitrisDova, Stergiani2015-06-182024-09-272015-06-182024-09-272013-09-01 recurrent neural network–based forecasting system for telecommunications call volume is proposed in this work. In particular, the forecaster is a Block–Diagonal Recurrent Neural Network with internal feedback. Model’s performance is evaluated by use of real–world telecommunications data, where an extensive comparative analysis with a series of existing forecasters is conducted, including both traditional models as well as neural and fuzzy approaches.8enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές Recurrent Neural Network–based Forecasting System for Telecommunications Call VolumeΆρθρο σε επιστημονικό περιοδικόTelecommunications data volume forecastingNeural modellingBlock–diagonal recurrent neural network