Developing a Business Plan for a new start-up: The case of a laser scanning service company

dc.contributor.authorKafestidis, Ioannisen
dc.rightsDefault License
dc.subjectBusiness Planen
dc.subjectMarketing Planen
dc.subject3D Laser Scanning Servicesen
dc.titleDeveloping a Business Plan for a new start-up: The case of a laser scanning service companyen
heal.abstractThis dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Business Administration at the International Hellenic University. This business project will outline the scope and future operation of a new start-up company, the competition, the market, and the financial outlook of the proposed business in 3D Laser Scanning Services. The company will provide professional Business-to-Business Laser Scanning Services. At the beginning of the thesis, the organization is introduced by presenting information about the company’s mission, the management, the personnel, the business model and the location. Also, the business risks are identified and the company’s internal and external environment is analyzed. Subsequently, an extensive research of the global and Greek market is presented, and the industry is analyzed by PEST and Porter’s five force analysis. The suggested marketing mix describes the proposed strategies in sales, advertising, positioning and pricing. Finally, in the financial plan section, the required investment is being calculated, and the five-year pro forma income statements, cash flow statements and balance sheets are presented.en
heal.advisorNameKatsaliaki, Korinaen
heal.committeeMemberNameKatsaliaki, Korinaen
heal.committeeMemberNameLaspita, Stavroulaen
heal.committeeMemberNameKyrgidou, Lidaen
heal.keywordURI.LCSHBusiness planning
heal.keywordURI.LCSHNew business enterprises--Management
heal.keywordURI.LCSHNew business enterprises--Planning
heal.recordProviderSchool of Economics, Business Administration and Legal Studies, Executive MBAel
heal.referencesStaiger R. (2003), Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology, Systems and Applications, Germany, 2nd FIG Regional Confer ence Marrakech, Morocco, December 2 - 5, 2003 Malcolm McDonald – Pennie Frow – Adrian Payne, (2011), Marketing plans for services – A complete guide, 3rd Edition, Wiley. Grasl O. (2013), A Business Model Blueprint for Professional Service Firms, Available at : - - business - model - blueprint - for - professional - service - f irms - the - value - logic/ [Accessed: 4 March 2016] David F. (2013), Strategic Management – Concepts and Cases, 14th Edition, Pearson. Kotler P. - Keller K. - Brady M. - Goodman M. - Hansen T., (2012), Marketing Management, 2nd Edition, Pearson. Entrepreneur , (2016), The physical space where your business exists, Available at: [Accessed: 29 May 2016] Thoras M. (2015), 3D Scanning Market Size To Exceed USD 4.9 BillionBy 2020: Radiant Insights, San Francisco, Available at: https://globenewswir - release/2015/10/19/777136/0/en/3D - Scanning - Market - Size - To - Exceed - 4 - 9 - Blliion - By - 2020 - Radiant - Insights.html [Accessed: 29 May 2016] Markets and Markets (2015), 3D Mapping and 3D Modeling Market by Application in 3D Mapping (3D Projection Mapping , Mapping and Navigation, and Others), by Vertical (Healthcare, Building and Construction, and Others), and by Geography - Forecast to 2020, Available at: http://www - Reports/3d - mapping - market - 819.html [Accessed: 29 May 2016]. Markets and Markets (2015), LiDAR Market by Product (Aerial, Ground - based, and UAV LiDAR), Component, Application (Corridor Mapping, Engineering, Environment, ADAS, Urban Planning, Exploration, and Metrology), Services and Geography - Global Forecast to 2022, - Reports/lidar - market - 1261.html [A ccessed: 29 May 2016]. - 50 - Investopedia, Sales Lead Definition, Available at: - lead.asp#ixzz4ADu9qtom [Accessed: 30 May 2016]. Investope dia, Overhead Definition, Available at: [Accessed: 30 May 2016]. Smartgeometrics (2014), 3D laser scanning , modeling market expanding Available at: - laser - scanning - modeling - market - expanding/ [Accessed: 29 M ay 2016] Zahid H., (2014), Can political stability hurt economic growth? Available at: - politi cal - stability - hurt - economic - growth [Accessed: 29 May 2016]el
heal.secondaryTitleThe case of a laser scanning service companyen
heal.tableOfContentsABSTRACT ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... III CONTENTS ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... V 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................ ................................ ........................ 7 2. INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 9 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE C OMPANY ................................ ................................ ....... 10 3.1 COMPANY BACKGROUND ................................ ................................ ................ 10 3.2 3D LASER SCANNING TECHNOLOGY ................................ ................................ . 10 3.3 MISSION, VISION ................................ ................................ .............................. 14 3.4 BUSINESS MODEL ................................ ................................ ............................. 15 3.5 SWOT ANALYSIS ................................ ................................ ............................... 16 3.6 LOCATION ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 18 3.7 BUSINESS RISKS AND INSURANCE ................................ ................................ .... 19 3.8 ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN ................................ ................................ .................. 20 3.8.1 MA NAGEMENT ................................ ................................ .................... 20 3.8.2 PERSONNEL ................................ ................................ .......................... 22 4. MARKET AND INDUSTRY ANALYSI S ................................ ................................ ... 24 4.1 MARKET ANALYSIS ................................ ................................ ........................... 24 4.1.1 MACRO LEVEL CONSIDERATIONS ................................ ......................... 24 4.1.2 MICRO LEVEL CONSIDERATIONS ................................ .......................... 26 4.2 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS ................................ ................................ ......................... 27 4.2.1 PORTER’S FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS ................................ ........................ 28 4.2.2 PEST ANALYSIS ................................ ................................ ..................... 29 4.2.3 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE STRATEGY ................................ ................ 30 - vi - 5. THE MARKETING PLAN ................................ ................................ ..................... 32 5.1 THE PRODUCT ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 32 5.2 MARKETING STRATEGY ................................ ................................ .................... 34 5.2.1 SALES STRATEGY ................................ ................................ .................. 34 5. 2.2 ADVERTISING STRATEGY ................................ ................................ ...... 34 5.2.3 POSITIONING STRATEGY ................................ ................................ ...... 35 5.2.4 PRICING STRATEGY ................................ ................................ .............. 36 6. FINANCIAL PLAN ................................ ................................ ............................... 38 6.1 OPERATION COSTS ANALYSIS ................................ ................................ ........... 38 6.2 REVENUE ESTIMATION ................................ ................................ ..................... 40 6.3 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ................................ ................................ ...................... 45 7. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ................................ ................................ .................. 47 8. CONCLUSIONS ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 47 9. REFERENCES ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 49 10. APPENDIXES ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 51 10.1 APPENDIX A: EXPECTED SCENARIO ................................ ................................ .. 51 10.2 APPENDIX B: WORST CASE SCENARIO ................................ .............................. 52 10.3 APPENDIX C: BEST CASE SCENARIO ................................ ................................ .. 55 APPENDIX D: POSITIONING MAP ................................ ................................ ............... 58 10.4 APPENDIX E: GLOBAL INDUSTRY TRENDS ................................ ......................... 59 10.5 APPENDIX F: DATA OF THE GREEK INDUSTRY ................................ ................... 61en


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