The abuse of dominant position

dc.contributor.authorStamatis, Panagiotisen
dc.rightsDefault License
dc.subjectMagill caseen
dc.titleThe abuse of dominant positionen
heal.abstractThis dissertation was written as a part of the post-graduated program of LLM IN Transnational and European Commercial Law, Mediation, Arbitration and Energy Law in academic year 2014-2015. In the first segment of this thesis is tried a general analysis of the article 102 of TFEU and a short reference of the relative case law, while in the second part is annotated the joined cases C-241/1991 P. and C-242/1991 P. of ECJ - “Magill case” - by the view of competition policy. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to my supervisor teacher, Mr. Professor Pavlos Masouros, because his lecture of EU Competition Law / Antitrust Law, constituted the reason for the selection of the object of this dissertation. Panagiotis Stamatis, 20-02-2016en
heal.advisorNameMasouros, Pavlosen
heal.classificationScience of Lawen
heal.committeeMemberNameMetaxas, Antonisen
heal.committeeMemberNameTruli, Emmanuelaen
heal.generalDescription-This dissertation aims, annotating the ''Magill'' case, to remark the specific legal considerations that arise due to the conflict between the protection of IP righta and free anf fair competition in EU legal framework.en
heal.keywordURI.LCSHAntitrust law
heal.keywordURI.LCSHCompetition, Unfair
heal.keywordURI.LCSHRestraint of trade
heal.keywordURI.LCSHDominant position
heal.keywordURI.LCSHAntitrust law--European Union countries.
heal.keywordURI.LCSHCompetition, Unfair--European Union countries
heal.keywordURI.LCSHRestraint of trade--European Union countries
heal.keywordURI.LCSHConflict of laws--Competition, Unfair--European Union countries
heal.keywordURI.LCSHMonopolies--European Union countries
heal.recordProviderSchool of Economics, Business Administration and Legal Studies, LLM in Transnational and European Commercial Law, Mediation, Arbitration and Energy Lawel
heal.references1. Professor Rudolf Geiger, Professor Daniel - Erasmus Khan and Professor Markus Kotzur , European Union Treaties, Treaty on European Union, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, C.H. BECK ∙ Hart 2015 . 2. STEVEN ANDERMAN and ARIEL EZRACHI, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND COMPETITION LAW New Frontiers, OXFORD UNIVERSI TY PRESS 2011 . 3. Nigel Foster, FOSTER ON EU LAW, Fifth Edition OXFORD UNIVE RSITY PRESS 2015 . 4. Alan Dashwood, Michael Dougan, Barry Rodger, Eleanor Spaventa and Derrick Wyatt, Wyatt and Dashwood’s European Union Law, SIXTH EDITION, OXFORD AND PORTLAND, OREGON 2011. 5. Dam ian Chalmers, Gareth Davies & Giorgio Monti, European Union Law, CASES ANS MATERIALS, SECOND EDITION, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2010 . 6. MARGOT HORSPOOL & MATTHEW HUMPHREYS, European Union Law, Seventh Editio n, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2012 . 7. Paul Graig and Grainne de Burca, EU LAW, Text, Cases and Materials, FIFTH EDITION, OXF ORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2011 . 8. AUGUST REINISCH, Essentials of EU Law, SECOND EDITION, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2012. 9. JOHN FAIRHURST, Law of European Uni on, Ninth Edition, PEARSO N 2012 . 10. RICHARD WHISH and DAVID BAILEY, COMPETITION LAW, Seventh Editio n, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2012 . 11. GUY TRITTON, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN EUROPE, THIRD EDITION, LONDON SW EET & MAXWEEL 2008 . 42 12. JONATHAN FAULL & ALI NIKPAY , THE EU LAW OF COMPET ITION, THIRD EDITIO N, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2014 . 13. GIORGIO MONTI, EC Competition Law, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2007 . 14. Lorna Woods and Philippa Watson, Steiner & Woods EU Law, Eleventh Editio n, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2012 . 15. ΛΑΜΠΡΟΣ Ε. ΚΟΤΣΙΡΗΣ, ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟ ΔΙΚΑΙΟ, ΕΙΣΑΓΩΦΗ ΣΤΟ ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΤΗΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΊΚΗΣ ΕΝΩΣΗΣ – ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΑΝΤΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΥ – ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΙΔΙΟΚΤΗΣΙΑΣ – ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΩΝ – ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΑΦΕΡΕΓΓΥΟΤΗΤΑΣ, Έκδοση 2η, ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΣΑΚΚΟΥΛΑ ΑΘΗΝΑ - ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 2012 . 16. Επιμέλεια: Γεώργιος Τριανταφυλλάκης, Συνεργασία: Μαρία Δερεδάκη και Ιωάννης Κοκόρης, ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΣ ΑΝΤΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ Πρακτική – Νομολογία εθνική & ευρωπαϊκή , ΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ 2005. 17. Κώστας Χ. Χρυσόγονος, Ατομικά και Κοινωνικά Δικαιώματα, Τρίτη αναθ εωρημένη έκδοση, ΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ 2006. 18. ΠΕΤΡΟΣ Ν. ΣΤΑΓΚΟΣ – ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ Ρ. ΣΑΧΠΕΚΙΔΟΥ, ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΤΩΝ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΑΪΚΗΣ ΕΝΩΣΗΣ, ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΣΑ ΚΚΟΥΛΑ ΑΘΗΝΑ – ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 2000 . 19. DAVID EDWARD AND ROBERT LANE, EDWARD AND LANE ON EUR OPEAN UNION LAW, Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK ∙ Northampton, MA, USA 2013. Articles : 1. Emanuela Arezzo, Intellectual property rights at the crossroad between monopolization and abuse of dominant position: American and European approaches compared, forthcoming in John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law, vol. 24, issue 3, 2007, Available a t SSRN: http : // 2. Mark A. Lemley, A New Balance Between IP and Antitrust, Southern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas, Vol. 13, p. 237, Stanford Law and Economics Olin Working Paper No. 340 , April1, 2007, Available at SSR N: http: // / abstract=980045. 3. Aashit Shah, “The Abuse of Dominant Position” under Article 82 of the Treaty of the European Community: Impact on Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright (c) 2003 Chicago – Kent Journal of Intellectual P roperty, Fall, 2003, Available at http: // sch / ckjip / vol3 / iss 1/3. 43 4. Thomas F. Cotter, The Essential Facilities Doctrine, Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Research Paper No. 08 - 18, University of Minnesota Law School, ANTITRUST LAW AND ECONOMICS, Keith N. Hy lton, ed., Edward Elg ar Publishing, Available at SSRN: http: // / abstract=1125368. 5. Claudia Schmidt and Wolfgang Kerber, Microsoft, Refusal to License Intellectual Property Law, and the Incentives Balance Test of the EU Commission, November 8, 2008, Available at SSRN: http: // / abstract=1297939 or http: // dx.d / 10.2139 / ssrn.1297939. 6. http: // / competition/ publications, Competition: Antitrust procedures in abuse of dominance, Article 102 TFEU cases, © European Union, 2013. Legal documents : 1.Opinion of Mr. Advocate General Gulman delivered on 1 June 1994 - Joined case C - 241/91 P. and C - 242/91 P. 2. “Guidance on the Commission’s enforcement priorities in applying Article 82 of the EC Treaty to abusive co nduct by dominant undertakings” .el
heal.secondaryTitle-The annotation of ''Magill'' case (C-241,242/1991 P. of ECJ)en
heal.spatialCoverageEuropean Unionen
heal.tableOfContents4 Contents: -Abstract, page 2 - Preface, page 3 - Contents, page 4 -UNIT Ι: Introduction, pages 5-6 -UNIT II: Main Part, pages 6-37 A.Analysis of the article 102 of TFEU: relative case law 1. Prequisites of implementation 2. The meaning of the “dominant position”: necessary condition the definition of the meaning of the “relevant market” 3. The meaning of “dominant position” 4. The meaning of “abuse” 5. The potential effect of trade between Member States B. Annotation of the joined cases C-241,242/91 (“Magill’ case) of ECJ -UNIT III: Conclusion: The competition policy and IP rights. The Commission’s Guidance on article 82 of EC Treaty (now article 102 of TFEU), pages 38-40 - Bibliography, pages 41-43 - Abbreviations, page 44 - Appendix I, pages 45-50 - Appendix II, pages 51-56 - Appendix III, pages 57-86en


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